Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Krevborna: Player Objectives

I had previously sketched some ideas about how I wanted to run my Krevborna games (mostly as notes to myself), but I was recently inspired by The Nightmares Underneath's Player Objectives (captured in the image to the left) to sketch some objectives for how to play in Krevborna. Mine ended up being a bit different in purpose, but I suspect my game differs from the assumptions of Nightmares Underneath anyway, so that's to be expected.

The Krevborna Manifesto

Player Objectives

To roleplay your character as much, or as little, as you like. Make decisions for your character to show how they respond to the settings and situations they encounter during play. You are rewarded with Inspiration for having your character act in accordance with their Personality Traits, Ideal, Bond, and Flaw. Feel free to gently nudge the DM if they don't see that you're hitting those marks.

To light a candle in the dark. Krevborna is a land oppressed both explicitly and covertly by the forces of evil. Your character should fight back against the encroaching darkness. You are rewarded with Experience Points for killing the horrific monsters and corrupt villains who plague the land.

To pursue the goals of the group, as well as your character's ambitions. Work with your fellow players to portray a cohesive group of adventurers who share common goals within the setting. Work with the DM to make your character's specific aspirations and desires part of the game. The characters are the protagonists; the group doesn't have to be completely free from strife, but even where they have competing goals or motivations remember that we're all playing one game together. You are rewarded with Experience Points for pursuing both group and individual goals.

DM Objectives

To unravel the darkness. Play the opposition fairly, but ruthlessly. Keep pushing the various factions' and villains' agendas, especially where they intersect or contradict what the players' characters are pursuing. The goal of the game is to see how the characters push back against the darkness. It doesn't have to be easy, but it should be both possible and a goal that becomes worth pursuing for them. You want to see them struggle, and you want to see them succeed—but at a cost.

To keep the game consistent and interesting. The Devil is in the details:
  • Ask for intent and method before letting the dice fall.
  • Remember concentration checks, ongoing saving throws, action economy, light sources.
  • Shine the spotlight on what the players take an interest in.

To describe a haunted world. Drench the setting in Gothic description. Go darker. Press hard on fear and horror. Unnerve with the uncanny. Play with madness. Never show too much; keep the shadows close.