Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Umberwell: Tieflings, Tritons, Turtlefolk

Races that populate Umberwell:

Although tieflings are persecuted throughout much of the world because of their infernal heritage, their connection to devils is not an impediment to social advancement in Umberwell. Aristocratic tiefling families possess long-standing ties to the city’s history, and particularly charismatic tieflings can find rapid advancement as diplomatic agents negotiating with the Bureaucracy of Hell’s embassy in the city. 

The aquatic tritons are refugees from an underwater nation that was destroyed by a cataclysm. Their amphibious nature has allowed the tritons to become the unofficial lords and masters of Umberwell’s domed Undersea boroughs. Wealthy triton families have a near monopoly on deep sea mining rights within the city’s underwater territories. Triton sailors and navigators are highly sought after by the sea vessels of Umberwell, especially by the hunting ships that prowl the oceans in search of krakens. 

The nomadic turtlefolk scrape by, doing what they can in the city, before moving on to other adventures. However, some turtlefolk are seduced by the endless opportunities to experience new wonders in Umberwell. A turtlefolk is just as likely to fall under the entrancing spell of cosmopolitan vices are they are to discover a lifelong passion for antiquities amid Umberwell’s many museums. Turtlefolk adorn their flesh with tattoos as remembrances of places they have visited.

If you like the content above (or any of the content here), consider checking out Umberwell: Blackened Be Thy Name, system agnostic New Weird city setting, now available in print and pdf from DriveThruRPG.