I often hear comic fans lamenting that "there are no good comics anymore." I can see their point, somewhat. Frankly, I find a lot of what seems popular in the world of comics to be uninteresting and shoddily done.
On the other hand: man...I can't even keep up with all the stuff I want to read, and I'm not even a single-issue kind of guy. I mean, look at that image over to the left. That's the good shit. Thanks to the internet there is a preponderance of the good shit just about everywhere you turn.
It is likely that you do not share my taste in comics. That's fine. But if you're open-minded and can't find good comics to read along the narrow band of popular interest let me make some recommendations:
- Tom Parkinson-Morgan, Kill 6 Billion Demons
- Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda, Monstress
- Ellis, Shalvey, Bellaire, Injection
- Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, Saga
- Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios, Pretty Deadly
- Kentaro Miura, Berserk
- Chris Dingess, Matthew Roberts, and Owen Geini, Manifest Destiny
- Benitez and Steigerwald, Lady Mechanika
- Marguerite Bennnet and Ariela Kristantina, Insexts
- Mike Mignola et al, Baltimore & Witchfinder
- Steve Niles and Damien Worm, The October Faction
- Alexis Flower, I Roved Out in Search of Truth & Love
- Snyder, Jock, Hollingsworth, Robins, Wytches
And that's just the stuff that's still ongoing. There's a couple things I want to mention that finished their runs in recent memory: