Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Judas Sea

The sea off Krevborna's coast only got a cursory mention in the first edition of the setting book, so I'm aiming to change that with the forthcoming revised edition. Here's the starting point for what's going on with...

The Judas Sea

The Terrifying Ocean and Its Hidden Monstrosities

The waters of the Judas Sea are often rough and choppy, and the weather at sea is frequently temperamental. Vicious storms arise without warning and heavy fogs can obscure Krevborna’s coastline. The conditions conspire to make travel by sea to other lands perilous; few can boast of seeing foreign shores.


The following elements and aesthetic notes define the Judas Sea:

    • The storms that fall on the Judas Sea are tempestuous and unrelenting. 

    • Reports of spectral ships and undead mariners abound.

    • The waters of the Judas Sea teem with monsters such as sea serpents, krakens, and horrible hybrids of man and crab.

    • Sailors mourn their compatriots who were lured into the depths by mermaids and sirens.

    • Legends speak of a city within the sea that is populated by once-human abominations.