Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Apostles of Dawn and The Crucifuge

Two factions in Krevborna. This time we've got mad scientists and necromancers!

The Apostles of Dawn

The Apostles of Dawn is an underground confederacy of wild and romantic inventors who share the goal of pushing science beyond the boundaries of rational thought. 

    • The goal shared by the members of the Apostles of Dawn is to create new forms of weaponry to fight back against the monsters that trouble Krevborna.

    • The weapons invented by the scientists and engineers of the Apostles of Dawn are experimental and often as dangerous to the wielder as they are to their targets.

    • Many members of the Apostles of Dawn believe that the derangement of the senses leads to scientific breakthroughs; as such, drug usage is rampant throughout the faction.

The Crucifuge

The Crucifuge is an order of necromancers fascinated by the possibilities of using magical, diabolical processes to bolster the power of the corporeal undead. 

    • They experiment with novel ways of combining dead flesh with demonic essences to birth new forms of undead. 

    • The necromancers of the Crucifuge revere Dracula’s henchman, the specter known as the Grim Reaper.

    • They view the Grim Reaper as the personification of death and consider their dark work to be a form of worship. 

    • Members of the Crucifuge are sometimes employed by the vampire lords of Sibersk to craft undead monstrosities for their personal armies.