Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Ossuary of Lamashtu and The Stain

Two Grail Tomb adventure locations in Krevborna.

The Ossuary of Lamashtu

The Ossuary of Lamashtu is a Grail Tomb hidden in Sibersk that houses the yellowed bones of long-dead Vlaak necromancers. 

    • The charnel vaults of the Ossuary of Lamashtu were recently discovered by Maeve Malistrada, a death cultist who hopes to make use of the skeletal remains of the Vlaak sorcerers found within this Grail Tomb. 

    • According to the experiments she has performed within the Ossuary of Lamashtu, the bones locked within its many chambers are heavily charged with necromantic power. 

    • Maeve hopes to harness the necromantic potential of the Ossuary’s treasure trove of skeletons by assembling them into massive skeletal constructs that will do her bidding.

The Stain

Formerly a pristine stretch of wetlands surrounding Piskaro, the Stain is now a vast bayou that has been corrupted by the chaotic magical energies leeching out of the Grail Tomb that sleeps undisturbed at the heart of the swamp. 

    • The Grail Tomb underneath the Stain is the burial place of dark priests of the Vlaak Empire.

    • The vile influence seeping from the Grail Tomb has resulted in the mutation of the bayou’s vegetation and wildlife, as well as an increased toxicity of its waters. 

    • The plant life found in the vicinity of the Stain is twisted, evidencing a vast variety of alien splendor; some of the Stain’s flora have even achieved a dim sentience and a taste for flesh.

    • Similarly, the bayou’s reptiles and insects are deformed in both body and mind—they possess a surprisingly vehement cruelty that exceeds the predatory instinct. 

    • The worst of the Stain’s corruptions are the malformed pomenysh who have become nightmarish horrors driven by rage and madness.