In my opinion, mountains in a Gothic Fantasy setting are for putting isolated and hidden secrets in. Here's the overview of the Karthax Mountains before we zoom in on some specific locations.
The Karthax Mountains
Foreboding Mountains Hiding Terrible Secrets
The Karthax Mountains are an immense, fang-like range that divides Krevborna. The mountains possess a sublime and terrifying aspect; the unrelenting thunderstorms that rage amid the peaks fill their beholders with awe and fear. Their highest elevations, particularly in the frigid north, are capped with snow and frost. The mountain winds howl with an anguished voice.
The Karthax Mountains have earned a sinister reputation. Legendary monsters, such as dragons and giants, are known to make their lairs in mountainous caves. Though they are desolate and perilous, the Karthax Mountains are also home to isolated groups who have adapted to life in the savage summits. Rugged tribes of human barbarians and cauldronborn eke out their existences by hunting for game and fishing the oft-frozen lakes found in the mountains; famed for their use of giant goats as steeds, these tribes are as inclined to kill those who trespass on their lands as they are to help those who become lost among the mountains.
The following elements and aesthetic notes define the Karthax Mountains:
• Many have remarked that the most fearsome of the mountain peaks resemble monstrous fangs.
• Tribes of fearsome human and cauldronborn hunters live in isolation among the sublimely beautiful mountain peaks.
• A school of black magic known as the Malcovat is hidden at the northern extremity of the mountain range.
• The snow elves hold an ancient and foreboding tower and the hidden fortress-cities of the dwarves are located in the ranges of the Karthax Mountains.
• Travelers report hearing the ominous sound of a tolling bell while journeying through the Karthax Mountains.