We had a gap in the rotation of who was running the weekly game, so I ran a one-shot of MORK BORG. For this adventure I cobbled together two things from the Heretic supplement: "Graves Left Wanting" and "Bloat."
Vagal, Heretical Priest, wants to kill Silas the vagabond
Agn, Fanged Deserter, wants to kill Silas the vagabond
Merkari, Wretched Royalty, accompanied by the jester Poltroon, wants to rescue missing villagers
Karg, looking for a new home maybe there's one in the graveyard
Graft, looking for a new home maybe there's one in the graveyard
The characters found themselves at the top of a hill, looking down at a vast, jumbled graveyard of crowded tombstones. Next to them on the hill was a large tree with corpses hanging from its bare limbs. From their spot on the hill, they could see a stone landing below. Vagal climbed the steps going up the trunk of the tree and peered into the stinking hole at its top. He dropped a caltrop inside, but did not hear it land. He did, however, find a rope strung up inside the tree that, when pulled, caused the limbs of the tree to bend and make it look like the corpses hung from them were dancing like marionettes.
The group decided to pick their way across the field of gravestones to the landing. The landing was covered in debris and at one corner was a throne made of garbage. Sitting upon the throne was a dirty, bearded bastard holding a whip. Kitten-sized roaches scurried at his feet. He introduced himself as the Roach King and explained that he wasn't allowed in the village anymore. He didn't know where Silas was, but he did offer to take them all to the undertaker's house.
On the way to the undertaker's house, they heard the disturbing sound of something human breathing in their left ears. Suddenly, four rotting ravens descended from the night sky and attacked! The ravens were intent on pecking their way through the characters' flesh so they could "nest" inside of them. A few injuries were taken, but the ravens were dispatched with haste. Unfortunately, the Roach King was killed by the birds. They looted his body, but nobody wanted to eat the jerky they found on his person.
They party decided to turn back at this point, but without a light source or the Roach King to guide them they were soon lost in the tangled cemetery. A soupy fog rose from the tombs and the group nearly stumbled into a plague pit filled with noxious corpses.
Eventually they found a large stone mausoleum. Inside, they discovered a plain stone sarcophagus standing upright against the back wall. Merkari ordered Poltroon to open the lid, which promptly fell on him--killing him under its heavy weight. RIP Poltroon the jester.
Inside the sarcophagus was a undecayed corpse whose flesh had the consistency of dough. In fact, when touched, it could be remolded. They also found that the skeleton inside the dough-flesh was made of iron. Removing the corpse revealed a tight passageway down into some kind of subterranean complex. The hole was too narrow for them to fit in while wearing their armor, but they weren't fooled by this puzzle: they simply dropped their armor down into the hole and followed after it.
The chamber bellow had a fungal stink...and was the home of a trapped ratbadger that needed killing. Once that was accomplished, they cleared debris from the floor and saw that it was covering a mosaic depicting corpulent priests feasting. In fact, all the stone doors they found in this dungeon were carved with similar scenes.
As they explored, they heard the sound of running water coming from somewhere. Karg ducked through a leather curtain in one corridor and triggered a stone block to fall on his head from above--he nearly had his skull caved in on the spot. The tinkling water sound proved to be coming from a fountain with a statue of a comely woman. The water in the fountain smelled weirdly sweet. Graft drank some of the water and felt invigorated by it; however, the fountain rapidly drained and the flow of water stopped.
In another chamber they saw a statue of the hated Silas standing in a pool of congealed sewage, fat, and greasy water. A single person knelt at the edge of the pool, "praying" to the statue. (They risked a look over their shoulder at the party and mouthed "help me." This was one of the villagers Merkari had hoped to rescue.) Behind the villager were three ceramic automatons wearing the same priestly miters they had seen in the art throughout this complex.
Vagal waded through the muck and stole the gem eyes from Silas's statue. Agn was unwilling to leave the villager to these strange constructs, the group battled them. The ceramic automatons were difficult to harm, but when their ceramic bodies were shattered it became apparent that they were filled with fatty tissue.
In a nearby room, they found Silas--but he had grown to enormous proportions. He was holding a silver fork in one hand and a silver knife in the other. He was now too fat to leave the room he was in. He tried to convince the group to bring him more villagers to eat, but they weren't buying it. When they realized that he couldn't come at them through the doorway, they began lobbing poison and bombs at him. Once reduced to a chunky slurry, they decided to hide out until morning and then head back to the village--approximately five silver pieces the richer.